New Testament Reliability-James White

1. NT Textual Variants

2. Transmission of NT-Papyri

3. NT Transmission-Codices

4. Canon of Scripture


5. Stephanus and Sinaiaticus

About laura754

On a Monday evening in December. 1975. I was quietly taking in the Words to the psalms being sung in a home bible study. I walked into that bible study a devout Catholic. And then in accordance to His will and sovereign power, God acted in compassion and undeserved mercy towards me. God had transferred the wrath that was previously hanging over me, and placed it on Jesus, at the cross of Calvary. The shed blood of Jesus was applied for me, as atonement for ALL my many sins. Washing me clean! My guilt was taken. I was at peace with God as I now stood, clothed in the righteousness of Christ my Savior. My sin debt was satisfied by Jesus in His perfect atonement. God had forgiven me for my sins. Giving me a new heart (regeneration) I had been Born-Again, from above. (His doing-In His timing). I was spiritually transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of the Son. Immediately He opened my eyes to understand His truth. I put my faith in Jesus. And knew I was forgiven and and felt peace with God, for the first time. Which has then caused me walk in gratefulness since then. I walk in faith now, as I put my full faith and trust in the atonement of Jesus for my sins. HE did ALL of this for His own glory. And for me to know Him and enjoy Him forever. I walked out of that bible study, a believer. A child of God. A new creature. Transformed. A servant of the biblical Jesus. God is good!
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